+30 694 1621950
Raptarchou 6-8 str,
P.C. 11526, Athens, Greece
+30 694 1621950


23 years old is the minimum age requirement for using cars of categories A,B,C and D; 25 years of age is the minimum age requirement for the rest of car categories.

Driving license:

Production of a valid license for driving in the Greek territory and the E.U., issued at least 1 year prior to the rental’s starting date, is required. Citizens of countries outside the E.U. are required to be in possession of a valid international driving license, along with producing the national driving license.

Traffic tickets – Fines:

Traffic tickets and fines due to violations of the Highway Code are borne by the Renter. In addition, the Renter undertakes the payment of management costs, where required.

Means of Payment:

The Renter is required to produce a credit card as guarantee for the rental, even if payment is made in cash. Rental is prepaid.


Cancellation of a reservation must be done at least seventy two (72) hours prior to the scheduled date and hour of commencement of the vehicle’s rental (always according to the exact hour of reservation), as this has been made in the company’s reservations system. Should you wish to cancel a reservation, you should contact the company through the reservations system. The following charges shall apply for the cancellation of reservations: In case of a cancellation notice received by Avance at least seventy two (72) hours prior to the scheduled commencement of the vehicle’s rental, any amount prepaid shall be refunded. In case of a cancellation notice received by Avance less than seventy two (72) hours prior to the scheduled commencement of the vehicle’s rental, there shall be no refund of any amount that may have been prepaid.

Additional driver:

The charge for each additional driver is 4€/day. The maximum number of drivers is set at 3 persons.

Child seat:

The charge for child seat is set at 5€/day upon request by the customer and based on the company’s availability; the maximum charge is set at 50€/rental.

Snow chains:

The charge for snow chains is set at 10€/day upon request by the customer and based on the company’s availability; the maximum charge is set at 80€/rental.


The renter has to return the car with the same quantity of fuel it had when collected. In case the car is returned with a quantity of fuel less than the original (namely, less than the quantity of fuel the vehicle had when collected by the customer), the customer shall be charged with the fuel difference. No customer refund is provided in case of the car returned with a quantity of fuel greater than that collected. Vehicles are delivered with a minimum quantity of fuel, corresponding to ¼ of the reservoir.


Free mileage is provided.


In case of an accident, the customer is charged with 15€ for the accident file administration costs.


All vehicles are insured material damages to third parties. Collision Damage Waiver(CDW)

The renter can limit his responsibility for his legal share in any damage of the vehicle by paying an extra charge.

None of the insurances cover damages caused by violation of the Greek traffic law, as well as damages to car part underneath the vehicle, tires, mirrors and in the cabin.

Theft Protection(TP):

If the renter accepts the relative contract terms, he disposes of the responsibility for the theft of the car by paying in additional daily cost. PAI – Personal Accident Insurance: The renter is not covered by a “Driver’s Insurance” (PAI).

Insurance Limits:

Vehicles are insured against third parties (excluding the driver) for death and bodily harm up to the amount of one million two hundred and twenty thousand Euros (1,220,000.00€) per accident and for material damages by third parties (excluding the AVANCE vehicle) up to the amount of one million two hundred and twenty thousand Euros (1,220,000.00€). In case of change of the above limits, the minimum limits, as defined by the applicable Greek legislation, shall always apply. Damages exceeding the insurance coverage limit, or excluded by it, shall be fully paid by the customer.

Road Assistance:

Avance cars are covered by 24hours road assistance. Road assistance’s contact details are stated on the rental contract.

Car transport out of the country:

Transport and driving of the car outside the borders of the Greek Territory is prohibited. Driving of the car out of the country is allowed exceptionally and only upon written permission by the company and payment of the amount which the company shall determine in each case.

Car transport by ship:

For the car’s transport by ship, the company’s written approval is required